Men who have not yet had any experience should inform themselves beforehand about how to use cock rings correctly.
Determine the circumference for a cockring
Please measure the circumference when not erect. Pull the testicles forward into the scrotum. The cock ring will later sit behind the scrotum, directly at the base of the penis. Scrotum & penis lie in front of the cockring!
Take a commercially available tape measure, a rope (cord) that is not too thin or a shoelace. Put shoelaces / rope around the testicles and the base of the penis and do not fasten it too tightly with a knot. To determine the optimal fit, wear it for a few minutes and correct the fit if it is too tight.
If you have used a rope or a shoelace, cut the rope and measure the length. The length determined in this way is the required circumference! This is divided by Pi (3.14) to get the diameter.
Cock rings are worn around the penis and testicles at the same time. First the testicles are pushed through the ring one after the other, then the not yet erect penis. Then the ring is pushed close to the body.
Important: the wider the cockring and the larger the diameter, the longer you can keep the cockring on.
The key is: If the cock ring becomes uncomfortable to wear, it should be removed.